Our Research Goal

Improve the Health and Survival of Kids with Cancer

The Sam Day Foundation emerged from nine-year-old Sam's courageous fight against Ewing Sarcoma. Today, we stand as a committed community, driving research and offering wellness-centered support. Our mission and vision revolve around transforming the landscape of childhood and young adult cancers. We're not just a foundation; we're a family of compassionate advocates, making strides towards a future where every kid with cancer can live well.


The Why Behind our Desire for Action

1 in 285

kids in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer before they turn 20

1 in 6

will not survive


of childhood cancer survivors will experience long-term health issues

Our Hope

Fighting Childhood Cancer Together

Cancer is the number one cause of death by disease among children and adolescents in the U.S.

Sam Day Foundation is dedicated to honoring Sam's legacy by advocating for children battling cancer, funding research initiatives, and providing support to families affected by these diseases.

Josue sitting in a chair holding a cell phone.
Two young women holding up a Cancer Awareness banner.
Heartfelt Care

Embracing Families with Compassion and Support

Understanding the emotional toll of cancer, the Sam Day Foundation offers a comforting hand to families navigating this difficult journey. We provide resources and community support to ensure no family faces cancer alone. Our programs are designed to offer solace, understanding, and practical assistance, easing the burden of cancer's challenges and fostering resilience and strength in the face of adversity.

Uniting for a Common Cause

Creating a Community of Hope and Support

We believe in the power of community to ignite hope and inspire action. We bring together individuals, families, researchers, and philanthropists united in the fight against childhood and young adult cancers. Our events, fundraisers, and awareness campaigns create a supportive network, spreading optimism and encouraging collective efforts to make a significant impact in the lives of those affected by cancer.

A group of people standing around a table.